Transformation Me - Part One

Hello again.

I hope you have a good start for your weekend. 

After a few weeks of thinking, re-thinking, perhaps over-thinking, I finally made up my mind. I took a big life-change decision yesterday. For some people it may sound like a meeeeh. Yet, for an absent-minded, easy-to-forget-all-of-her-plans kinda girl, like me, this is like saying "yes" to that marriage purposal.

Well, spilling out the beans: I started my transformation journey today!

First, I began from physical well-being. Following this, I hope I can improve other aspects of my life too as time goes by. Oh yes, that include career, personal goals and maturity.

So, mind you if in the next days ahead you'll find many posts related the topics mentioned above.

The goals are threefolds: (i) having a fitter stamina, (ii) increasing self-confidence, and most importantly (iii) boosting up the power of positive thinking.

How to achieve this? I'd say: all we need is hustle!

For you who grew up in the 90s and listened to Tupac, Notorious BIG, or more recently, Jay Z, you probably know what I am talking about. But in case you wonder, hustle, according to Tom Morkes, means "going all out every day, until you hit your breaking point, and then continuing on because hustle doesn't break. Hustle means doing the hard creative work even when you are emotionally and mentally exhausted. Hustle is putting that long hours others won't willing to put in".

Hmmm. That sounds like my Dad very much. 

No, I am not trying to compare my self with my dad. I am not trying to explore the elements of hustle, either. I am rather motivated in knowing how good I am when it comes to hustling. 

This post is a consious note on my day to day "hustle" move in order to achieve small goals: transforming myself in a little, slowly, but sure steps.

Here it goes.

First day is always the TOUGHEST.

Yesterday, I had a long night. Not because I finished work late. But, I spent some deep-conversation dinner about law, work and what not with my bestie at a cozy Japanese joint, Fujin (post to follow). The result was: I woke up late.

The lurking devil's voice whispered on my ear and told me to just continue sleeping. But, no, I have to stop listening to a bad advisor. I decided to wake up despite all odds, take charge of my life and started my morning routine.

And here are my small achievements:

1. 20 minutes slow jog on a treadmill
2. 2 sets of 15 reps floor tricep dips
3. 2 sets of 15 reps touch the toe crunch
3. 2 sets of 15 reps bicycle crunch
4. 2 sets of lying leg raise crunch
5. 2 sets of 15 reps arm circle
6. 2 sets of 15 reps of knee push ups
7. 2 sets of 15 reps bicep curls
8. 2 sets of 15 reps of overhead press

Nothing is easy for a start. In fact, it was awefully challenging. I had sores all over my body just when I was doing the chores. I guess after a few months of routine breaks, it is no-doubt my body needs some getting-used to. 

The good news is, when I completed the exercise, my mood was lifted up. I felt way fresher, stronger, happier and relieved. Such a good release of endorphins!

The bad news is I did not take any pictures during the workout. However, I got the inspiration from Pinterest pin below (and it does show some pictures - hope you don't mind):


So, this is how I start my transformation journey. 

How about you?

Have a nice Saturday, folks!!


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