Paris Day 3 - The City from Above, Eiffel Tower

As I mentioned previously, Eiffel Tower, is the most iconic landmark of Paris. It always looks as stunning as it can be regardless from which corner you take your picture from.

But, the experience won't be as satisfying if one cannot spend some time to have a closer look at what Eiffel can offer. I heard the top of the tower offers that breath-taking views of Paris from above. 

Curious much? well keep reading. *wink*

There are different pricing to see Paris from Eiffel tower. If I am not mistaken, the highest level is more expensive than the lower one and this is what we opted in for that day. From the outside, I saw there were so many stairs leading to the top, but thank God, they let us in inside this handy elevator.

It took us straight to the highest level of Eiffel Tower, the 17th floor. The cold breeze quickly greeted us as soon as we got outside the elevator. However, the view was second to none. It was truly jaw-dropping beautiful.

Who can guess that there's a Coptic church in the middle of the city? Yes, that one.

And even the grass was not that green on our neighbor's side, the garden of Tuilleries still looks so pweety pweety awesome from up above.

So does the rest of the city.


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